:+91 9960 895 786

News & Announcements

  • The World's First ISO 9001 - 2000 certified Instituion of Professional Valuers
  • Member: International Federation of Engineering Organizations (IFEO).
  • Member: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).
  • Approved Valuers for Govt. / Semi Govt/ Non- Govt. & Financial sector.
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Indication of Membership

The Institution shall consist of members constituted by the following categories Fellow, Associate, Student. As per the rules of the Institutions only one category is allotted, changes are also not possible. Please click on the above links to find eligibility of members.

The membership certificate shall be given to each Corporate Life Member after he has been duly elected and had paid his entrance fee, first year's subscription along with life membership fee.

Each Corporate member shall be entitled to affix to his name the following initial letters to indicate his membership of the Institution. A Fellow may Affix F.I.I.V. An Associate may Affix A.I.I.V. Fellows and Associates of the Institution may also use additional suffix i.e. APPROVED VALUER/ CHARTERED VALUER after getting permission from the Council of Institution on payment of fees after becoming the Life Member.

Disclaimer:- "The Indian Institution of Valuers is puerly Autonomus Council Enlisted with Indian Banks' Association (IBA) and National Housing Bank (NHB) and it's dose not conduct Valuation Courses for Companies Act(Registered Valuers and Valuation)Rules,2017 also not engaged in the activities regulated by Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI)."